Parking study housing development Rhoon

Municipality of Albrandswaard

Parking study housing development Rhoon

Parking study housing development Rhoon

Municipality of Albrandswaard

Parking study housing development Rhoon

Client: Housing Corporation Woonkompas
Type of project: Parking Study
Year: 2021

Housing corporation Woonkompas is developing a new residential complex with 53 social elderly homes at the Dorpsdijk in Rhoon, near Rotterdam. This development, designed by Team Paul De Vroom + Sputnik, will require the removal of older homes, streets and parking places at the project site. I analysed the expected parking demand, whereby it was important to deviate from the standard CROW key figures for parking. I used an on street parking count to analyse the pressure by parking in the area. In addition, I have made changes to the design of public space to create balanced, safe and functional streets with wider and greener sidewalks.